probiotique extra-fort | 50 milliards

Votre probiotique polyvalent. Cette formule extra-puissante a été conçue pour réduire les ballonnements et les gaz, faciliter l'absorption des nutriments et soutenir un système immunitaire sain pour vous aider à vous sentir mieux.

Prix normal
$76.99 CAD
Prix réduit
$76.99 CAD
Prix normal
Prix unitaire

15 souches équilibrées pour un soutien de tout le corps

Spécialement choisies pour les souches imitant la flore intestinale humaine, y compris les souches résidentes et transitoires pour protéger la synergie du microbiome, réduire les ballonnements et les gaz et favoriser une digestion et une santé immunitaire optimales.

Garanti 50 milliards de bactéries vivantes, aucune réfrigération requise

Dose extra puissante. Puissance garantie jusqu'à la péremption. Pas besoin de les garder au frigo, gardez vos probiotiques où vous voulez afin de ne jamais oublier de les prendre à nouveau.

Livraison ciblée

Une capsule végétalienne et sans plastique délivre jusqu'à 10 fois plus de bactéries dans l'intestin pour une efficacité maximale.

Végétalien et sans gluten

Fabriqué sans ingrédients de soja.

Conseils et directions utiles
  • Utilisation recommandée : Pour une source quotidienne de probiotiques pour soutenir et équilibrer votre intestin. Également pour réparer, restaurer et reconstruire la flore intestinale pour la santé gastro-intestinale globale lors de troubles intestinaux intensifs.
  • Posologie : Adultes, adolescents et enfants ≥ 6 ans : Prendre 1 gélule, 1 à 3 fois par jour. Si vous prenez des antibiotiques, prenez Advanced Gut Health au moins 2 à 3 heures avant ou après.
  • le probiotique avancé pour la santé intestinale est végétalien et sans gluten. Fabriqué sans ingrédients laitiers ni soja.
  • Mise en garde : Si vous avez de la fièvre, des vomissements, une diarrhée sanglante ou des douleurs abdominales intenses, consultez un professionnel de la santé avant l'utilisation. Si des symptômes de troubles digestifs (p. ex. diarrhée) surviennent, s'aggravent ou persistent au-delà de 3 jours, cesser l'utilisation et consulter un professionnel de la santé. Si vous souffrez d'un déficit immunitaire, n'utilisez pas ce produit.
  • Conserver dans un endroit frais. Pour une puissance maximale, conserver au réfrigérateur, mais la réfrigération n'est pas nécessaire.
Quel probiotique me convient le mieux ?

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Allison M Elliot
Only thing that works for me!!

I've found that since using Genuine Health's probiotic 50B CFU extra strength seems to be what I need to keep my system working as it should, proper diet notwithstanding.

Jeff Green

extra-strength probiotic | 50 billion

Wanda Lenentine
Not impressed with Customer Service

The Customer Service with this company is very poor. Returned items for refund arrived back to the company on Aug 22 and I am still waiting for a response and my refund. I would rate this service a Zero if possible. I also did another previous review on another product purchased and did not receive my 5% discount on the next purchase as indicated I would. If this lack of communication and no refund continues then I will have to take further action. Let’s see if this review gets anyone’s attention. Refund please!!!
Wanda Lenentine
New Brunswick

Hi Wanda,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We do apologize for the dely you experienced, the product return process through our head office can take several weeks before completetion. In addition your return was not sent to the correct address that being said we are trying to locate your return. Once we can confirm that the product was returned intact and unopened we will certainly issue your refund.
Please check you spam folder for the 5% discount.

Kind regards

Elsa Haug

A good addition to my daily health care! I am looking forward to experiencing the significant positive effects from these probiotics.

Marica Gaspic Piskovic
Best Probiotic

I switched to Genunine Health’s probiotic as it has a broader spectrum of probiotics and strains. I have IBS and need a good clean probiotic to support the normal functioning of my gut.

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Allison M Elliot
Only thing that works for me!!

I've found that since using Genuine Health's probiotic 50B CFU extra strength seems to be what I need to keep my system working as it should, proper diet notwithstanding.

Jeff Green

extra-strength probiotic | 50 billion

Wanda Lenentine
Not impressed with Customer Service

The Customer Service with this company is very poor. Returned items for refund arrived back to the company on Aug 22 and I am still waiting for a response and my refund. I would rate this service a Zero if possible. I also did another previous review on another product purchased and did not receive my 5% discount on the next purchase as indicated I would. If this lack of communication and no refund continues then I will have to take further action. Let’s see if this review gets anyone’s attention. Refund please!!!
Wanda Lenentine
New Brunswick

Hi Wanda,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We do apologize for the dely you experienced, the product return process through our head office can take several weeks before completetion. In addition your return was not sent to the correct address that being said we are trying to locate your return. Once we can confirm that the product was returned intact and unopened we will certainly issue your refund.
Please check you spam folder for the 5% discount.

Kind regards

Elsa Haug

A good addition to my daily health care! I am looking forward to experiencing the significant positive effects from these probiotics.

Marica Gaspic Piskovic
Best Probiotic

I switched to Genunine Health’s probiotic as it has a broader spectrum of probiotics and strains. I have IBS and need a good clean probiotic to support the normal functioning of my gut.

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