@AlessiaSculpt’s Tips For Sticking To Your New Year’s Resolutions

Hi! I’m Alessia, the founder of www.ASculptBody.com, an online fitness platform with simple and effective low-impact workouts that energize rather than drain you, and that you can easily fit into your schedule and do anytime, anywhere. I’m sharing my top tips with Genuine Health for sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions!
Starting a healthy routine often looks like adding an overwhelming number of things right off the bat, only to lose them weeks later. Studies show 80% of people give up on their New Year's resolutions by mid-February, just 6 weeks after making them. This year, let’s stop the cycle of deciding to make change and then not following through!
Join me for my FREE 3-week Back To Basics Program, designed to gradually build a strong foundation for you to carry with you throughout 2022. We will gain strength and energy, establish good workout form, incorporate healthy supplements, and create a solid morning routine… one step at a time. We start together January 10th! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FREE!
You can eliminate, deprive or restrict, or you can take that energy and focus on nourishing and caring for yourself instead. This year, I want you to focus on what you can add IN to your life that will help you feel healthier and better, instead of what you might be tempted to remove.
Maybe it’s drinking an extra glass of water, committing to taking your supplements daily (I love this greens+ extra energy powder to boost my energy naturally, nourish my body, and support my immune system), going to sleep 1 hour earlier, or getting 15 minutes of movement in. I believe that what we focus on, grows.. so the more we focus on what we can ADD into our lives, the less space there is for the rest.
When resolutions are too broad, too complicated, or you have too many of them, it becomes difficult to focus your efforts or feel motivated to achieve them. Not to mention, it’s super overwhelming to take on so many things at once! Instead, select 2-3 resolutions for the year, keep them simple, and be really specific about what they are and how you plan to achieve them.
For example, instead of saying “I’m going to get healthy this year”, which is a pretty broad statement, try to break it down further. Maybe it’s that you want to get stronger and have more energy. How are you going to do that? I recommend you find a fitness trainer or workout style you connect with (I think you’ll love my low impact workouts! click here to join Back To Basics for FREE!), start small and manageable with your workouts (20-30 minutes max), and be consistent (try for 4-5 workouts every week).
When setting your goals, I want you to think about what the most loving and compassionate things you can do for yourself are. It could be prioritizing self care, saying “no” to certain plans or people, eating whole foods, or getting more movement in.. because you know these things bring you joy and make you feel good.
When you set your goals with these areas in mind, you’re ensuring the “why” behind your goals is self-love. Having a “why” behind your goals is important because it helps you stay motivated when things get tough, and having it come from a place of love for yourself is that much more impactful and meaningful.
Having an amazing support system can help you stay motivated and accountable, especially on the days when you want to give up. Don’t be afraid to share your goals with friends and family, so they can cheer you on! You could even ask them to join you - working toward a goal with a buddy is ALWAYS more fun than doing it alone.
My husband and I both enjoyed tons of yummy foods & drinks over the holidays (#NoSacrifices!!), and now want to get your gut health in check and make sure our immune systems are good! We are committing to taking a probiotic together every day at 9am before we start work, and I know we’re more likely to stick with it since we’re doing it together!
Lastly, be gentle with yourself when setbacks arise, because they will! The path toward reaching your goals is never a straight one. There will be challenges along the way, and I encourage you to be kind to yourself and view every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.
The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone! If you’re looking for structure and support for building healthy habits this new year, join my FREE Back To Basics program, a buildable 3-week program focused on building strength, incorporating healthy supplements, and create a solid morning routine… one step at a time.
Overall, I think the harder you go with your healthy routine in January, the less likely you are to keep things up year round. Let’s ditch the all or nothing approach in the new year, and set ourselves up to feel good year round. Follow me @alessiasculpt for more tips, and head to www.ASculptBody.com for your FREE 7 day trial of my low impact workouts!