Êtes-vous prêt pour un produit qui contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin? Conçu pour simplifier votre alimentation et votre vie! Notre formule complète contient 21 g de protéines fermentées d'origine végétale (provenant de riz et de pois), de puissants légumes verts (7 superaliments riches en antioxydants), 1,1 milliard d'UFC de probiotiques bénéfiques pour les intestins et des ingrédients uniques de soutien au stress qui combattront le stress et renforceront votre immunité tout en alimentant votre corps.
Prix normal
$69.99 CAD
Prix réduit
$69.99 CAD
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Le produit tout-en-un a été conçu pour vous simplifier la vie lorsqu’il est question de nutrition et de vos suppléments! Notre formule complète contient 21 grammes de protéines à base de plantes onctueuses et délicieuses (provenant du riz et des pois), d’un puissant mélange de végétaux, d’un milliard d’UFC de probiotiques bénéfiques pour l’intestin et d’ingrédients uniques pour contrer les effets du stress que vous ne trouverez nulle part ailleurs.
Vous vous préoccupez des ballonnements inconfortables… nous savons que les protéines végétales peuvent être difficiles à digérer, mais nous y avons vu! Notre formule a été créée avec un mélange de protéines complètement fermentées qui est doux pour les estomacs sensibles. En plus, vous obtiendrez le soutien supplémentaire pour la digestion et l’intestin grâce à huit souches diverses de probiotiques.
Notre mélange de végétaux comprend sept superaliments riches en antioxydants, dont la spiruline, la chlorelle, la luzerne, l’herbe de blé, le brocoli et les épinards. Chaque portion vous procure aussi des vitamines et des minéraux, dont le complexe de vitamines B, la vitamine D3, le calcium, le magnésium, le zinc et l’iode.
Combattez le stress et favorisez votre immunité en une seule opération pendant que vous nourissez votre organisme. Nous y avons ajouté du SensorilMD ashwagandha, qui aide à réduire le cortisol, l’hormone de stress, et nous avons aussi intégré du reishi, du chaga et de l’hydne hérisson pour améliorer votre immunité afin d’affronter les longues journées.
Le produit tout-en-un est offert en contenant de 20 portions, vanille ou naturellement sans sucre. 100 % végétalien, sans gluten ni produits laitiers, il est fabriqué au Canada.
Always a great product coming from Genuine Health. This is a brand that can be trusted for amazing products
Great New Product
I really like this new All-in-one vanilla shake. I mix it with skim milk and pour it over my cereal and fruit for an excellent breakfast. It’s always difficult to say if one product alone can make a difference, but I feel great and full of energy. It has now become my everyday breakfast.
Ed Bailey
A senior trying to gain weight.
Hi. I have just begun taking all-in-one Vanilla flavour. I am hoping that this supplement will help me regain the weight that I have lost over the past couple of years. I am a senior of 84 years old. I used to weigh between 170 and 175 pounds. I am now at 145 pounds. This product was recommended to me by a clerk at the Vita Health store in Winnipeg, Canada. I hope that she was correct in her recommendation. If not what else do you have for me that would work any better?
Shelley Griffith
All in One Greens & Protein
I have used the Genuine Health products for years, the product I used most was Transform+ but that has now been changed to All-in-One which seems just as good!
Kelsey Mullin
Not for me
I'm sure that there are a lot of benefits to this product but I just can't take the taste. I tried mixing it into several different options, but I find the taste is way to strong and I am unable to drink it.
Hi Kelsey,
Thanks for taking the time to review our All-In-One. If you're not a fan of the vanilla flavor you might be interested in trying our unflavored version. Would be great added to your favorite smoothie!
Always a great product coming from Genuine Health. This is a brand that can be trusted for amazing products
Great New Product
I really like this new All-in-one vanilla shake. I mix it with skim milk and pour it over my cereal and fruit for an excellent breakfast. It’s always difficult to say if one product alone can make a difference, but I feel great and full of energy. It has now become my everyday breakfast.
Ed Bailey
A senior trying to gain weight.
Hi. I have just begun taking all-in-one Vanilla flavour. I am hoping that this supplement will help me regain the weight that I have lost over the past couple of years. I am a senior of 84 years old. I used to weigh between 170 and 175 pounds. I am now at 145 pounds. This product was recommended to me by a clerk at the Vita Health store in Winnipeg, Canada. I hope that she was correct in her recommendation. If not what else do you have for me that would work any better?
Shelley Griffith
All in One Greens & Protein
I have used the Genuine Health products for years, the product I used most was Transform+ but that has now been changed to All-in-One which seems just as good!
Kelsey Mullin
Not for me
I'm sure that there are a lot of benefits to this product but I just can't take the taste. I tried mixing it into several different options, but I find the taste is way to strong and I am unable to drink it.
Hi Kelsey,
Thanks for taking the time to review our All-In-One. If you're not a fan of the vanilla flavor you might be interested in trying our unflavored version. Would be great added to your favorite smoothie!