Whether you’re a student getting ready to start a new school year, a family preparing the kids ready for a consistent routine, or you’re easing back into a more structured lifestyle after a blissfully relaxed summer, September is often considered a time of transition. Change doesn’t have to be difficult, in fact you can set yourself up to succeed with these simple tips to get organized for the coming season.
First acknowledge your mindset. Are you dreading the return to structure while already missing that easy breezy summer schedule? Try shifting your perspective by focusing on everything you love about fall. Consider how beautiful the leaves are or how cozy you get to be once the weather cools. By shifting your energy away from negativity you are already setting yourself up to success.
Next it’s time to get organized. One of the most efficient ways you can do this is with meal prep. Making sure you have everything you need to make easy, nourishing meals is going to help make this transition smooth for everyone involved. Fill your freezer with easy weeknight hits like frozen pizzas and veggies. Baked goods like bread and muffins freeze well and defrost easily, so you’ll have a school-friendly lunch ready. Stock your cupboards with non-perishable items like Genuine Health’s all-in-one to ensure you’re getting the nourishment you need even on the busiest mornings.
Pre mix a smoothie with Genuine Health’s all-in-one to take with you and drink at your desk, or keep a tub of protein powder and a hand blender at work.
And if you’re working from home, you can set yourself up for success by starting your day with a simple smoothie. Not a breakfast person? Whip up that smoothie mid morning to enjoy as a nutrient packed snack.
When it comes to school lunches, parents know that the secret to success is simple, kids want things that are easy to eat and taste delicious. Most littles love snacking on baked goods, why not try adding a scoop of protein powder to the recipes to amp up the nutritional value. Baking a tray of breakfast cookies or muffins and then freezing half the batch is a great way to organize breakfast and lunches in advance.
If your kids are older and you’re leaving for work before they head to school, you can make sure breakfast is prepped and ready for them, or simply place a tub of protein powder next to the blender with a note that says “Make a smoothie for breakfast and have a great day!”.
A tasty alternative to baked goods, chia pudding and overnight oats are perfect for meal prep and can be super powered with some all-in-one. Grab a few mason jars with lids and prep these goodies in advance. You can easily line up breakfast for the week by doing so and since the jars seal tight they’re also versatile on the go snacks!
When you’re adjusting your schedule and routines, it’s helpful to identify your non-negotiables, like getting to school/work on time and working back from there. How much time do you reasonably need to get ready? Is everyone showering in the morning? If so, then alarms need to be set in increments and a shower schedule needs to be maintained.
Ultimately as with any significant change, you’ll want to set reasonable expectations. It’s just not realistic to expect everyone to go from staying up late all summer to waking up early without any hiccups. Facilitate the switch in schedule in advance and try easing into earlier bedtimes in the couple of weeks before school starts.
With all these tips in mind you can work smart, get organized and fuel your routine and lifestyle so that you can enjoy the best fall yet.